By Service | 16 October, 2022

atlantis° is about upgrading humanity to a new conscious awareness. Of the reality we breath in, of the culture we live, in how we create. Of wrapping the earth in a collective consciousness.
It is an initiative to empower humanity, to support its development and enable a different type of growth on this planet.
It is to shift from the Ego driven, possessive world to an intuitive sharing world. This shift is already taking place today and atlantis° servers as a catalyst.
Its main drives are:
a) To help individuals grow their awareness and thus create a social shift in goodness. b) To redefine culture as humanities prime ware, which can be used to
To support these drives a collection of activities have been defined, under the banner of r°Rise (= the rise of the awareness of the reality around us).
At its core is a mixture of renamed old concepts, new awareness shifting concepts, a different way of going forward in solving problems and the belief that humankind is being supported by a universal benevolent power.
Of using culture for our growth, of changing the world through application of our collective minds, of bringing people together and enabling new forms of living and partnerships.
The atlantis° Initiative does not define what is best for humanity i.e. how people should live in the future, or what society should or will be. What it is doing is to build an infrastructure - a set of services, knowhow, social networks - which can be used by people following their intuition to create a better future for all of us.